composting FAQs

Can I compost…

Citrus Fruits? YES!

Hard vegetable matter like squash stems and peach pits? YES!

Paper coffee filters? YES!

Used paper napkins and paper towels? IF the napkin or paper towel was used to clean up food, it may be composted. DO NOT compost paper towels that were used for paint, chemicals, etc.

Rotting fruits and vegetables? YES!

Peanut butter or other oil containing foods? Yes. Small amounts of oil are not a detriment to the composting process. Please do not attempt to compost large amounts of used cooking oil.

Bread?  Leftover oatmeal?  Processed snacks like crackers/goldfish?  YES!

Excess Halloween candy? Yes, but please remove the wrappers. :)

Jack-o-lanterns? Yes, pumpkins compost great. If they are rotting/slimy, please try to put the pumpkin in the compost bucket. If it's dry and intact, you can just set it on top of the bucket for pick up.

I’m unsure if we would need a weekly or bi-weekly service. Do you have any suggestions?
The compost buckets are 5 gallons, but I can certainly understand it may be difficult to estimate how much food waste your household will produce. In general, our customers who are single or a couple that doesn't cook at home often will do best with bi-weekly pick up. Those who cook a lot or who have children often need weekly pick up. We have large families who fill more than one bucket each week. 

I’ve also found that people often produce less waste in the winter and more in the summer when fresh produce is in season. If you try weekly pick up for a month and you are filling less than half a bucket, you can always cancel and switch to bi-weekly. 

Can I pick up finished compost at the farm for gardening?

As I was researching the compost pick up programs in other cities, I did find that many would provide a bucket of compost to each member each year. However, in speaking to the owners, it was noted that many customers didn't have a need for the compost and found it more of a hindrance than a benefit. 

SO.... Building upon that, I decided to do something different. Since I'm utilizing the compost on my urban farm, it seems fair that those who contributed to the compost should share in the produce grown on the farm. Therefore, every quarter, I'll be sending out $10 gift cards to Sunchoke Farms to each compost customer. That's $40 a year in vegetables, way more than the value of a bucket of compost. The gift cards never expire and can be used at any of our market locations throughout the year on anything we sell.

Here is the Farmer’s Market Schedule.